Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Kamakawiwo'ole prayer

This guy had it all right.

Although he was a morbidly obese hawiian...

He knew what life could really be.

I hope I have the same attitude when I go off to Steuby. Lord, I'm so scared now. Life has, at the moment, become perfect. But within a matter of a week or so, this life will cease.

I will go to do your work in Ohio. Your work is the same no matter where I'm at. But I want to stay here in my safe haven of family and friends.

So what if I did stay? My family would be there....well, my parents will be there. But my friends and people I really care about are all on the leave to a better life.

I must do the same.

Not because of them but for the lord.

I'm so excited to be finally studying something I've been interested in since I was a small child. I owe my faith to so many people.

My parents, especially my father,have created a life for me that I only pray I can create for my children. The religious people in my life have done so much to keep me active and I ask you to pray for them and theior families.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Prom....formally known as porm


One of the funnest night of mi vida!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

This is Mitch Hedberg

1)Got an ant farm. Them fellas didn't grow shit.
2)I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.
3)Last week I helped my friend stay put. It's a lot easier than helping someone move. I just went over to his house and made sure that he did not start to load shit into a truck.
4)I got my hair highlighted, because I felt some strands were more important than others.
5)I had a stick of Carefree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality.
6)I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Boy, you really like Tide."
7)I got in an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because I tried to walk out, and had to slam the flap.
8)I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs.
9)I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to, too.
10)The thing about tennis is: no matter how much I play, I'll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall once. They're fucking relentless.
11)I think Pringles initial intention was to make tennis balls. But on the day that the rubber was supposed to show up, a big truckload of potatoes arrived. But Pringles is a laid back company. They said "Fuck it. Cut em up."
12)A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.
13)An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."
14)Because of Acid, I now know that butter is way better than margarine.
15)So, I sit at the hotel at night and I think of something that's funny. Or, If the pen is too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of wasn't funny.
16)You know that Pepperidge Farm bread, that stuff is fancy. That stuff is wrapped twice. You open it, and then still ain't open. That's why I don't buy it, I don't need another step between me and toast.
17)This product that was on TV was available for four easy payments of $19.95. I would like a product that was available for three easy payments and one complicated payment. We can't tell you which payment it is, but one of these payments is going to hard.
18)You know when they have a fishing show on TV? They catch the fish and then let it go. They don't want to eat the fish, they just want to make it late for something.
19)I would imagine if you could understand Morse Code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.
20)I don't wear a watch because I want my arms to weigh the same. So if somebody asks me what time it is, I have to tell them something that is going on. "What time is it, Mitch?" "Uh, that guy is eating a hamburger." "Shit, I had to be somewhere..."
21)I went to the park and saw this kid flying a kite. The kid was really excited. I don't know why, that's what they're supposed to do. Now if he had had a chair on the other end of that string, I would have been impressed.
22)I played golf... I did not get a hole in one, but I did hit a guy. That's way more satisfying...
23)I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut... I don't need a receipt for the doughnut. I give you money and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I can't imagine a scenario that I would have to prove that I bought a doughnut. To some skeptical friend, Don't even act like I didn't buy a doughnut, I've got the documentation right here... It's in my file at home. ...Under "D".
24)A minibar is a machine that makes everything expensive. When I take something out of the minibar, I always fathom that I'll go and replace it before they check it off, but they make that stuff impossible to replace. I go to the store and ask, "Do you have coke in a glass harmonica? ...Do you have individually wrapped cashews?"
25)It's very dangerous to wave to people you don't know because what if they don't have hands? They'll think you're cocky.
26)Someone handed me a picture and said, "This is a picture of me when I was younger." Every picture of you is when you were younger. "...Here's a picture of me when I'm older." You son of a bitch, how'd you pull that off? Lemme see that camera.
27)Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only one you can get yelled at for having. Goddamn it Otto, you are an alcoholic. Goddamn it Otto, you have Lupis... one of those two doesn't sound right.
28)I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
29)I like cinnimon rolls, but I don't always have time to make a pan. That's why I wish they would sell cinnimon roll incense. After all I'd rather light a stick and have my roommate wake up with false hopes.
30)People teach their dogs to sit, it's a trick. I've been sitting my whole life, and a dog has never looked at me as though he thought I was tricky.
31)My friend said to me, "You know what I like? Mashed potatoes." I was like, "Dude, you have to give me time to guess. If you're going to quiz me you have to insert a pause."
32)I type a 101 words a minute. But it's in my own language.
33)I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra scary to me, because there's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run. He's fuzzy. Get outta here.
34)I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.
35)My sister wanted to be an actress, but she never made it. She does live in a trailer. She made it half way. She's an actress, she just never gets called to the set.
36)I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.
37)If carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be fucked up.
38)I like vending machines, because snacks are better when they fall.
39)Pickles are cucumbers that sold out.
40)I was walking down the street with my friend and he said "I hear music." As if there's any other way to take it in. I tried to taste it...didn't work.
41)2-in-1 is a bullshit term, because 1 is not big enough to hold 2. That's why 2 was created.
42)I know a lot about cars. I can look at a car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming.
43)This shirt is dry clean only. Which means...it's dirty.
At my hotel room, my friend came over and asked to use the phone. I said "Certainly." He said "Do I need to dial 9?" I say "Yeah. Especially if it's in the number. You can try four and five back to back real quick."
44)My lucky number is four billion. That doesn't come in real handy when you're gambling. "Come on, four billion! F***. Seven. I need more dice."
45)I love blackjack. But I'm not addicted to gambling. I'm addicted to sitting in a semi circle.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dora the Explorer: Illegal Immigrant

Ok, so here's the deal... If you need the explanations they're all around you...

1) She speaks spanish... she speaks spanish perfectly... what is she like...5? Her backpack even speaks spanish perfectly!

2) That backpack of hers has EVERYTHING in it! And we're talking everything! Life support, water/food, clothing for any weather, ropes, grappling hooks, shoes.... i mean c'mon!

3) She's carrying a freaking ZOO with her! I mean, she has a monkey, an band of insects, a bajillion other animals! Really! What kind of legal immigrant has that many pets!?

4) She's always on an "adventure" to transport a "package" to some destination and is always being stalked by a person trying to take that package... i mean... really, Swiper is obviously some sort of border patrol person trying to collect evidence of Dora's entire narcotics trafficking buisness

The evidence is so obvious and around you guys! And they're even poisoning our little children with them... Who wants our toddlers to grow up knowing spanish before english?! Even if it's the USA...

We must track down the one Dora and DESTROY HER...

and her little monkey too

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance and Timmy

Note: Brace yourselves for a story of ridiculous content.

Today in band class I get ready to play and realize..."HEY...this is Pomp and circumstance! I don't have to play this. I'm a SENIOR!"

So I lay down...THE ONE of maybe FIVE times EVER I haven't played in class. (For the record I don't ever lay on the spitty band floor, because of just that...it's got human saliva EVERYWHERE! But for the extreme gratification I wanted, it was highly necessary)

I begin listening to the bright illustrious tune EERKING from every instrument. Despite poor tuning, bad intonation, and HORRIBLE articulation, the group of underclassmen were doing quite well... and by that I mean they were certainly playing something.

Nonetheless, it was our graduation song and it must be cherished; for two particular reasons: 1)it serves as the song of passage from innocence to the transition into adulthood, and 2) it serves at the song of passage from hell to freedom. Hell meaning AVHS.

Now it's beginning to hit me. I'm leaving. Going to new places across the country, no longer in my comfort zone. Realizing that the only people I might see past this point are family and JILL. It was a touching moment... I was almost saddened by it. I didn't hate this place...I didn't hate band! Or the kids in it.

Then suddenly the tuned stopped. Silence set in and I heard the sound of shifting bodies. You know...the sound one makes when looking behind one-self. Somehow I knew, I just knew they were all looking at me.

Then I hear that voice. The kind of voice that could make you want to punch a baby...
"Uh, Stephanie?"



" Why aren't you playing?"

"Well...I'm a senior"

"So does that make you better than everyone else here? heh heh heh" (imagine in nasal clogged voice)

aside: "No jackass that makes me someone who doesn't play this song, come graduation."

Me:"Um....I don't have to play this"

Timmy: "I'm playing it and I'm a senior"-------I ignore him

Mr. P: "Yeah tim's playing it!"

aside: "like you...TIM'S a Jackass! Who plays this when you're a senior!!! The wee one's have to fend for themselves!"

Me:" No one played it last year. Come on... you don't want to hear this sound of a full band now and then deal with half a band at graduation because the seniors are you know, GRADUATING."

"oh...then just be quiet back there. Ok?"

"yeeeeah. O K!"

WHAT THE BILLY BOB THORTEN!! Who THE Shawshank Redemption does he think he is?!?!? First off I really shouldn't have to play this and secondly... I was NEVER talking!Not once! Son of a Bee
I swear it's because I'm a RANGEL!

And that idiot timmy! "I'm playing!" Yeah cuz you're socially retarded and have nothing better to do.

If you're reading this and you know tim like I know tim, you'll understand.

And in regards to the comments made by a one "Mr. P"...let's just say my comments pre- Stephanie Attack are all void! I hate this band...I hate this place... and timmy...I hate you.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Rotary= Happy...GRRRREAT!

So today I got a $1000 scholarship from AV Rotary and I'm really excited. for my interview I spoke really honest and about God and my goals and I got it! So I'm pretty stoked. I really just want to lessen the burden for my dad. Two kids in college is enough to make someone commit financial suicide but I'm trying.

On another note...I'M SO SICK OF SCHOOL! Not just because the year is almost over but HIGH SCHOOL is almost over. Boy do I want something different. Steubenville is going to be amazing. I can't wait to go visit there with my aunt cookie.....heh...cookie. you know, come to think of it, I don't know her real name. I always just knew her by the delicious flour/sugary morsel we always called her by. but she be aight.

And I really can't deal w/ some of these people anymore. I've got people who, to my convenience, have really stabbed me right in the heart. I even went so far as to tell one of them off and would you believe it...SHE IS STILL LEECHING ON! AHHHHH! I'm really passed this whole thing. Not to say that I'm "more mature" because in a lot of ways I am certainly not, but to go out of my element and meet knew people would be a blessing.

Oh and let's not even mention the fact that I really want a guy to be w/. I've got plenty of best friends like C-ris and b-rad but I want a boyfriend. I can wait until college...but what if I'm not "holy" or "pure" enough for the guys there. I've met people here in CA that have my humor and similar goals and beliefs that really strike me as relationship material...but I'm leaving.

Like tony the tiger.....this is just GRRRRRRREAT!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

For El Douchador

Alright BROTHA! You want something new?!?
I'll give you something new. These one of my favorite SNL skits of ALL time. Watch....enjoy.... lest you already be amazed. By tomorrow I should have an interesting story to tell you all...


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Star testing

So, California has this ridiculous assessment test every year. It's called the STAR test. And, up until now, the seniors have had the privilege of NOT going to school on those days because they do not have to take those tests.
According to our new principal, Mrs. Jonas (commonly called Mrs. Ho-nas or Cajonas) we will be forced to come on all three of these days. The first day we will be forced to enroll in the "bridge program that leads us into VVC....where barely any of us want to go. The second, she wants to have a senior picnic. Sweet thought right? Well this senior picnic is going to be out in founder's plaza (lame) with an old guy for a dj (lame) and pizza....AT 7 effin AM in the MORNING! What the PHILLIP is wrong with her! She calls it the "fun block." CRAZY LADY!!! The third we don't come to school until 9:40...if we have any sanity left.
She's only doing this because she's hurting on money! Yup...I SAID IT! She spent all the money on that ridiculous garden and had to borrow from OUR senior class to pay it off.
WTF! Fire thee missiles!
But I am le tired

Monday, April 9, 2007


So if I remember last, DRUMLINE WAS OVER!!! Until my naive and somewhat idotic teacher decided that the four certain individuals were alright to come back to the line.
Now let me ask you a question...
Is there any real consequences for breaking the rules anymore?
And anyway, when and if they do come back it will be next week, giving us only TWO WEEKS to get ready for championships! I really do want to compete and go on with the winter season but it's just going to involve so much more work and at a high moral cost! And I've already made so many plans with school and what not because, to my understanding, DRUMLINE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DRUM-NEIN!

Friday, April 6, 2007


So since Sunday I decided that I was going to go to Church for the tridium. So far I've got 2/3 of the way through it (geeze,that's sounds like I don't care)....I have gone to Holy thursday and today...Good Friday. I feel good about. But really bad at the same time. I sit there in front of the Holy Sacrament and realize that I'm not giving enough to God. I actually cried...CRIED, because I feel horrible that he suffered just so a selfish, undeserving, human like me can be with him in heaven. I give myself the benefit of the doubt when it comes to most kids my age. I go to church every Sunday, every Holy Day of Obligation, and times in between to help w/ youth ministries and religious education classes. I feel very strongly about the eucharist and have a true devotion to it. It's not enough if I don't try hard everyday to remind myself of why I'm doing it. All my life I liked to think that I was the mature, down to earth girl, growing up fast because life's hard lessons made me. But it hasn't been until these last couple of years that I really discovered how much maturing I had to do. I mean, I haven't even stayed true to my lenten vow....how can I really commit to anything. Have I become the Jesus preaching hypocrite I've always frowned on? Yeah. In God's eyes I guess I could be. Somewhere inside me says that because I'm going to a truely Catholic university that I can do all the sinning I want know and then become closer to God when I get there. What's wrong w/me. On top of all things...I'm not ok leaving all my family friends anymore. I say that to myslef to stay strong...but that's just a lie. I keep saying, "high school just needs to end" but I don't want the relationships I've formed to fly away when I go to Ohio. I guess deep down I know I'll make friends...I just feel like they'll be so different because I'm a quirky, witty, sarcastic...VERY sarcastic, girl who loves to laugh...even when it comes to the bad things. I don't know. the worst part is that for the first time in my life, I'm developing feelings for someone that I shouldn't have as a girl going to Ohio for four years! If anyone knows me, I'm the girl that does not want to get involved until maybe college. But I like this person very much. It's almost like God is putting all these great things in front of me and making them unattainable, making me realize that true happiness starts w/ him. But my faith is TRUELY difficult to live by!Wow. I'M 17! Not even 18 till September! What am I doing with these problems in my head. I know the truth about my faith, and absolutely no one could ever take me away from it know. I learned it early on and leaving it because it's hard would be a bigger sin than anything I could ever do. Just ignoring it is horrible. I'm not contemplating leaving my faith but I feel like I drifted away from it since last August when senior year started. Perhaps it's because now,it's all on me to visit and have a relationship w/ the big guy. It's not mommy and pops problem anymore.whew
I'm gonna go pray for a long time.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Killer Lady bug!!!!

As some may know, prom is coming up pretty soon. And I found this amazing dress at Macy's! It's green and gold and perfect! But one must get tan before she wears it? Why is Stephanie referring to herself in the third person....I don't know. ANYwho, I went outside to play volleyball with my sis, then soccer spung up (because I kicked the ball at her). Then came dodgeball soccer,which happends to be called sodgerball at the Rangel house. SO! I'm getting the burn rollin and actually excercising when suddenly I feel this bug land on my neck! AHHHHH!!!

Now, I'm not a little sissy la la when it comes to most things but BUGS SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!

As I freakishly attack the beastial thing on my neck I begin to scream, realizing that the INSECT O' DEATH was not unlatching. Why wasn't it leaving?! I'm flicking it! GO AWAY!!!!!!

My neck begins to stiffen and my eyes go hazy because of the MASSIVE panic attack.

Then I realize that I had only one choice. Only one option to detaching the monster from my neck.......IT......MUST.....DIE! By this I mean, SWAT AT IT! As hard as I can!

I proceedith with my final decision and swat at the "insect o' death." I look down at my hand, only expecting the biggest goop of insect guts I have ever seen. To my surprise I lift my hand to my face only to see the inner wrinkles of my palm.

WHAT THE H. E. double hockey sticks!! Where did it go?! Somehow I was relieved because I didn't have to go wash off any bug juice from my neck. I turn to my sis with a sigh of relief and go to sit down in the lawn chair fastened next to our pool.

I begin to close my eyes when...THE KILLER LADY BUG GRABS HOLD OF MY NOSE!!!!!!

Oh no! Not this time Chachee! I flung it to the ground and stepped on it with the force of an almighty being. At this point I must have been going crazy because I laughed at it and called it names.

Nontheless,Victory had been acheived.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Joe Bravo is my inspiration

Los Angeles artist Joe Bravo stands in front of one of his tortilla paintings being exhibited at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Los Angeles March 29, 2007. Bravo first started the acrylic paintings on tortillas when he was in college and couldn't afford canvases. The exhibit has broken the gallery's attendance records and the paintings are selling for as much as $1,800 each. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson (UNITED STATES)

Full House ain't so great

So I sit here with absolutely nothing to do until 6:30 (jazz class....yeah it isn't fun) and I'm watching Full House.
Let me me just tell you that until five minutes ago I held this quirky little sitcom, of three males trying to raise a family of girls, in the highest regard; matched with shows that of Friends, Seinfeld, and even Project runway. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME! THIS SHOW ISN'T FUNNY! I mean let's look at the character selection a really analyze why it could have possibly intrigued me as a child and what these people really do for a living now:

Danny: Bob Saggot-what a pervert! I've heard some of his comedy and he's filthy. I suppose his quick witted sarcasm on the show really was just cover for the dirty jokes that he REALLY wanted to say. Sicko...

Joey: WHAT AN IDIOT! His jokes weren't really funny. His voices were cool...until I realized that it was the same one in differents accents.

Jesse: Will you stop touching your greasy a$$ hair. It's not cute and that's all you do. You don't give good advice you usually aren't very funny and for goodness sake, you couldn't hold on to your Beach Boys job. "Have mercy." yeah have mercy on your soul...heh

Michele: I liked her...not gonna lie. Good thing they stopped the show before the twins developed that horrible cleft lip and drinking/drug abuse problem.

DJ: what a ho

Stephanie: "How rude"? Is that all you can come up w/. Granted in later episodes she turned the funny against that lame ace best friend of DJ. I'm ashamed to have her name...

Comet: cool... I mean, he was a dog that could comfort anyone when they're feeling down. He's better that Lassey.


Rebecca: Funny...I put he rfter the dog because she really didn't matter.

And that's the break down of the Full House cast.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Suppose this is true

When U know you've been in band 2 long!
1. When you hear music and start marking time.
2. When you walk in step with the person in front of you.
3. When you try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
4. When all of your friends are in band.
5. When you don't mind changing clothes on the bus.
6. When you point out key changes and dynamics while listening to the radio.
7. When you like wearing your uniform.
8. When every guy/girl you're interested in is in the band.
9. When people ask you about your social life and you say, "Oh, you mean my flute/trumpet/drum/etc.?"
10. When you consider your drill book a fashion accessory.
11. When you've had a "trombone-ectomy."
12. When you practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog.
13. When being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life.
14. When people worry when they see you without your instrument.
15. When "armed guard" means a girl with a pole instead of a guy with a gun.
16. When band camp is FUN.
17. When you respond to "band kid."
18. When someone says the word "box" and you automatically put your head up.
19. When you remember flats and sharps more easily than your name.
20. When you dress the lunch line and urge others to do the same.
21. When you're alone and you suffocate because there's no one telling you to breathe.
22. When slides feel normal.
23. When your instrument has a name.
24. When you remember your instrument's birthday and forget your mom's.
25. When making a line is your biggest accomplishment of the day.
26. When marching backwards no longer reminds you of ballet.
27. When you give your instrument a birthday party.
28. When you can make brown shoes look white.
29. When your uniform fits.
30. When black feathers become a fashion "do."
31. When you see your section more than you see your family.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The ladies Man

The Ladies Man has to be one of thee funniest characters ever created.

I'm convinced that his extreme ability to woo women truely exists.
If Sammy Davis Jr. and Denzel Washington had a love child, this would be him.
Perhaps it's the subtle lisp or his classy fashion sense. I don't know . But one thing I do know...
Whenever he says "that's just disgutin' " or "Sally Jesse Raphael," my day just goes better!
Watching Ladies Man= A day in the life of PERFECTION!
I encourage all to experience what life is really all about.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Snow White

Today Aunt Caroline died.

She was my grandmas sister and she was beautiful.

One thing I can always remember her by is what she used to call me when I was little: Snow white. I had short black hair and pale white skin back then and she'd always pick me up and ask me if I've played with the seven midgets lately....yeah midgets (haha). She always wore a smile and her hair was ALWAYS put up on her head in giant curls that never fell. Her favorite color was rose, like on the advent wreath.

I hope God took her into his care and she is happy now. She was sick far too long and now she can finally lye peacefully.

I'll pray for you Uncle Bob, to stay strong and stay content knowing that her suffering is over.

Now I'll go back to the birthday party that we're having right now and try to wear that smile abuelita needs.

It's funny....mexican families. Someone passes and it's just another opportunity to come together and eat(haha). I suppose the mourning will come as it will.

I'll appreciate the prayers for her.


This guy is A-mazing. I stress the A because I want YOU, the reader, to realize that I am just so excited about this guy.....what a man. I mean his name is MIKA for goodness sakes! Knights of Columbus that's cool!
It's too bad that he, like myself, loves men.
NONETHELESS! He has an amazing voice, like freddy mercury....who also, LIKE MYSELF, loves men.
poop otra vez. (well not really because he wasn't that good looking)
[A]nyway, check him out sometime. Methinks you likey no?

Law and Fricken Order

It really pisses me off...
ESPECIALLY between each scene change when they have that gay "gavel" sound effect.
NO! I don't care if 99% of American's love it! I'm the 1%!.....like the milk I hate to drink.
Oh and another thing is that everytime there is a case where some freaky home boy kills some other home boy they always go to jail! For once I'd like to see the black guy get off the hook! Because, MAYBE AMERICA, black people don't always do it. Heh Heh
Good grief Charlie Brown
Death to Law and Order!

Friday, March 30, 2007

American literacy

So I was on mi aspacio pretty early this morning because, sweet hoseph do I actually have a life aside from band and starbucks! Anywho...I noticed that this girl, who happens to be a good friend of mine could not spell if her life depended on it!

Here's a brief excerpt from one of her messages:

*Note: names have been changed for the saftey of the persons

" So I was just like, "[Doris], you can't just keep telling people about my personel busness because its non of you're concern... She really screwed my hole life up and I was just all now non of my friends are gonna talk to me!...don't you aggree?"

MY GOD!!!! I mean...are you serious!!! Let's look at the errors here: "Personel"(which is really spelt personell) should be used as personAl unless you are talking about a group of people associated to a project or job. Busness has an "i", non is spelt NONE, and you're is YOU ARE stupid! (I believe she's looking for the possessive YOUR). Hole refers to a opening through something or an area where something is missing. I thinking she wants WHOLE. Then there is NON again and a clean finish with the ever so popular AGGREE. This one in particular ticks me off because she always spells it wrong! I mean, she's done this on numerous occasions! I've even gone so far as to use the word with the CORRECT spelling at least five times in the same message so that perhaps she'll realize her faults and buy an adult version of Hooked on Phonics (Which I'm sure she would spell "Whoked on Foniks."

Another thing that has my just busted is that she has the audacity...the unmedicated GALL to poke fun at other people who can't spell, (you know)Antidisestablishmententarianism correctly.

Could one assume that I'm being rather unfair and judgmental because I too have grammatical errors? Yes. But then I would have to send the accuser a minimum of three letters this girl sent me and see if they could last two days without contemplation of homocide, suicide, or mass genocide!

So if there's a hit man or sniper or, let's just say, ANYONE who would like to kill this girl I have the address. Let me know. We'll be in touch.

Please help me Lord.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

In compliance with Edward Von Rangel-Shtump

You see, if you were to look at American Idol's Sanjaya! in the way that this gentleman (along w/ myself) views him, then perhaps you may come to find that he isn't all that bad. He's good for many things: Our own personal comedic ridicule, invoking emotional strife through small girls, loving Boston in the fall, gathering leaves in the quad, ("Norman is that you?"), giving us insight to the year upcoming hair trends, make-up, hideous fahion,etc. Please watch so that perhaps my new-found love for this talented youngster can rear it's UGLY head on you!

Modest Proposal for Drum...NEIN!

Dispite my inability to fully know how to say "no" in German I would like (at this time) to tell you of why Drumline will be no more, and why I virtually hate all underage drinkers.
These CHILDREN were once friends who, although extremely stupid in appearance AND theory...heh heh heh...were also good musicians who had all the impact on the winter season. One would ass-ume that they would think carefully about their actions and really consider others while representing a school....correct?!

O contraire Mon frere! ( which in Francais means " On the contrary my brother!")

These so called friends choose to participate in the fruitful act of underage drinking and illegal drug usage. Oh no! Be not so quick to, once again, ASS-ume that this is a first offense. They have done this before.....bonjour....

So long story short...
They got caught....
They get kicked off...

Say they were conn'd
Guess who gets crapped on...

Ruined their season, Even mine...
drumline has now becometh drum-nein.

What do you do?

This is my modest proposal:

PROHIBITION! "I'm bringin' prohib back....yep!"

Either that or we offer small pamphlets of hope in despair, hope that we care. And they'll throw them in the nearest trash reseptical.

Call this a rant.
Call this a rave.

But I still believe that the world would be better off w/o the stuff.


AND Death to the Camel man

*aside: If anyone actually knows how to spell "no" in German, be sure to let me know