Thursday, April 5, 2007

Killer Lady bug!!!!

As some may know, prom is coming up pretty soon. And I found this amazing dress at Macy's! It's green and gold and perfect! But one must get tan before she wears it? Why is Stephanie referring to herself in the third person....I don't know. ANYwho, I went outside to play volleyball with my sis, then soccer spung up (because I kicked the ball at her). Then came dodgeball soccer,which happends to be called sodgerball at the Rangel house. SO! I'm getting the burn rollin and actually excercising when suddenly I feel this bug land on my neck! AHHHHH!!!

Now, I'm not a little sissy la la when it comes to most things but BUGS SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!

As I freakishly attack the beastial thing on my neck I begin to scream, realizing that the INSECT O' DEATH was not unlatching. Why wasn't it leaving?! I'm flicking it! GO AWAY!!!!!!

My neck begins to stiffen and my eyes go hazy because of the MASSIVE panic attack.

Then I realize that I had only one choice. Only one option to detaching the monster from my neck.......IT......MUST.....DIE! By this I mean, SWAT AT IT! As hard as I can!

I proceedith with my final decision and swat at the "insect o' death." I look down at my hand, only expecting the biggest goop of insect guts I have ever seen. To my surprise I lift my hand to my face only to see the inner wrinkles of my palm.

WHAT THE H. E. double hockey sticks!! Where did it go?! Somehow I was relieved because I didn't have to go wash off any bug juice from my neck. I turn to my sis with a sigh of relief and go to sit down in the lawn chair fastened next to our pool.

I begin to close my eyes when...THE KILLER LADY BUG GRABS HOLD OF MY NOSE!!!!!!

Oh no! Not this time Chachee! I flung it to the ground and stepped on it with the force of an almighty being. At this point I must have been going crazy because I laughed at it and called it names.

Nontheless,Victory had been acheived.

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