Saturday, March 31, 2007

Snow White

Today Aunt Caroline died.

She was my grandmas sister and she was beautiful.

One thing I can always remember her by is what she used to call me when I was little: Snow white. I had short black hair and pale white skin back then and she'd always pick me up and ask me if I've played with the seven midgets lately....yeah midgets (haha). She always wore a smile and her hair was ALWAYS put up on her head in giant curls that never fell. Her favorite color was rose, like on the advent wreath.

I hope God took her into his care and she is happy now. She was sick far too long and now she can finally lye peacefully.

I'll pray for you Uncle Bob, to stay strong and stay content knowing that her suffering is over.

Now I'll go back to the birthday party that we're having right now and try to wear that smile abuelita needs.

It's funny....mexican families. Someone passes and it's just another opportunity to come together and eat(haha). I suppose the mourning will come as it will.

I'll appreciate the prayers for her.


This guy is A-mazing. I stress the A because I want YOU, the reader, to realize that I am just so excited about this guy.....what a man. I mean his name is MIKA for goodness sakes! Knights of Columbus that's cool!
It's too bad that he, like myself, loves men.
NONETHELESS! He has an amazing voice, like freddy mercury....who also, LIKE MYSELF, loves men.
poop otra vez. (well not really because he wasn't that good looking)
[A]nyway, check him out sometime. Methinks you likey no?

Law and Fricken Order

It really pisses me off...
ESPECIALLY between each scene change when they have that gay "gavel" sound effect.
NO! I don't care if 99% of American's love it! I'm the 1%! the milk I hate to drink.
Oh and another thing is that everytime there is a case where some freaky home boy kills some other home boy they always go to jail! For once I'd like to see the black guy get off the hook! Because, MAYBE AMERICA, black people don't always do it. Heh Heh
Good grief Charlie Brown
Death to Law and Order!

Friday, March 30, 2007

American literacy

So I was on mi aspacio pretty early this morning because, sweet hoseph do I actually have a life aside from band and starbucks! Anywho...I noticed that this girl, who happens to be a good friend of mine could not spell if her life depended on it!

Here's a brief excerpt from one of her messages:

*Note: names have been changed for the saftey of the persons

" So I was just like, "[Doris], you can't just keep telling people about my personel busness because its non of you're concern... She really screwed my hole life up and I was just all now non of my friends are gonna talk to me!...don't you aggree?"

MY GOD!!!! I mean...are you serious!!! Let's look at the errors here: "Personel"(which is really spelt personell) should be used as personAl unless you are talking about a group of people associated to a project or job. Busness has an "i", non is spelt NONE, and you're is YOU ARE stupid! (I believe she's looking for the possessive YOUR). Hole refers to a opening through something or an area where something is missing. I thinking she wants WHOLE. Then there is NON again and a clean finish with the ever so popular AGGREE. This one in particular ticks me off because she always spells it wrong! I mean, she's done this on numerous occasions! I've even gone so far as to use the word with the CORRECT spelling at least five times in the same message so that perhaps she'll realize her faults and buy an adult version of Hooked on Phonics (Which I'm sure she would spell "Whoked on Foniks."

Another thing that has my just busted is that she has the audacity...the unmedicated GALL to poke fun at other people who can't spell, (you know)Antidisestablishmententarianism correctly.

Could one assume that I'm being rather unfair and judgmental because I too have grammatical errors? Yes. But then I would have to send the accuser a minimum of three letters this girl sent me and see if they could last two days without contemplation of homocide, suicide, or mass genocide!

So if there's a hit man or sniper or, let's just say, ANYONE who would like to kill this girl I have the address. Let me know. We'll be in touch.

Please help me Lord.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

In compliance with Edward Von Rangel-Shtump

You see, if you were to look at American Idol's Sanjaya! in the way that this gentleman (along w/ myself) views him, then perhaps you may come to find that he isn't all that bad. He's good for many things: Our own personal comedic ridicule, invoking emotional strife through small girls, loving Boston in the fall, gathering leaves in the quad, ("Norman is that you?"), giving us insight to the year upcoming hair trends, make-up, hideous fahion,etc. Please watch so that perhaps my new-found love for this talented youngster can rear it's UGLY head on you!

Modest Proposal for Drum...NEIN!

Dispite my inability to fully know how to say "no" in German I would like (at this time) to tell you of why Drumline will be no more, and why I virtually hate all underage drinkers.
These CHILDREN were once friends who, although extremely stupid in appearance AND theory...heh heh heh...were also good musicians who had all the impact on the winter season. One would ass-ume that they would think carefully about their actions and really consider others while representing a school....correct?!

O contraire Mon frere! ( which in Francais means " On the contrary my brother!")

These so called friends choose to participate in the fruitful act of underage drinking and illegal drug usage. Oh no! Be not so quick to, once again, ASS-ume that this is a first offense. They have done this before.....bonjour....

So long story short...
They got caught....
They get kicked off...

Say they were conn'd
Guess who gets crapped on...

Ruined their season, Even mine...
drumline has now becometh drum-nein.

What do you do?

This is my modest proposal:

PROHIBITION! "I'm bringin' prohib back....yep!"

Either that or we offer small pamphlets of hope in despair, hope that we care. And they'll throw them in the nearest trash reseptical.

Call this a rant.
Call this a rave.

But I still believe that the world would be better off w/o the stuff.


AND Death to the Camel man

*aside: If anyone actually knows how to spell "no" in German, be sure to let me know